Nelson Truss

Truss McGee and Dora McGee

Is it Trust or Truss?  Although we have seen it spelled both ways, I'm using Truss because that’s spelling Samuel Nelson testified to in his signed affidavit to the Department of Interior.    Besides he looks like a Truss.


Note: From reading the Samuel Nelson's (Father) affidavit Part 2, page 7, it appears the Josie Mcgee was  the ward of Truss Mcgee in 1903 ..." by Truss Mcgee for himself, his four minor children, Charlie, Johnnie, Carrie Lee and Inez McGee and his minor ward, Jose MCgee. "

Nelson Truss McGee Family Leg

Truss and Dora McGee and family

Sons of Truss McGee:  Bottom L to R: John McGee, Charlie McGee

Top Row L to R:  Wade McGee, Virgil McGee, Grady McGee

Wade McGee, Truss McGee’s son,

Inez McGee,

Truss McGee’s daughter


Truss McGee’s daughter

 Eliza McGee,

Truss McGee’s daughter

 Alice McGee,

Truss McGee’s daughter,

Lou Dora

Truss McGee’s daughter