How Our Reunions Began...

Treva McGee Harrison had been glued to her Television all week, fascinated with the presentation of Alex Halley’s masterpiece, titled, Roots".  It was annoying when the telephone rang, and her adrenalin was pumping. And as she sat there captivated, her mouth got dryer and dryer.  But she didn't dare move to the kitchen to get a glass of water; it would be too painful if she missed something. So she sat here suffering 'til the very end.  After a fashion she exhaled and felt her body go limp as she began to consider all that he had heard and seen.   She found herself thinking, how we awesome it was that Haley had gone in search of his people. Treva didn't want to go to Africa, but she thought how exciting it would be to get together with as many relatives as she could locate.  So the word went out by mail and telephone and she chose the 4th of July week-end, Friday thru Sunday, to bring as many as possible together.  They were receptive and they came.


On Friday, about 60 to 70 people gathered at her home in the back yard. Saturday they went to Edward’s Park for a picnic and Sunday they worshiped together at "Tabitha Baptist Church", and afterwards she hosted a buffet for approximately 130 people at no charge. And, so it began ... the first reunion.


In 1980, Treva  sent invitations  to as  many  relatives  as she  could  locate,  to  come  to Oklahoma City  for  another  reunion.   Many more accepted the invitation and met in Oklahoma City.  In a group discussion it was decided to expand and to see if relatives in other cities would accept the challenge of being the Host or Hostess to the reunion.  They also decided to come together every two years.


Treva McGee Harrison is the daughter of the late Robert McGee and the granddaughter of Original Six Member George Abrams McGee.