Welcome to the McGee Family Website

Learning about what happened in the past can be interesting and grounding. Memories of events fade, records are lost ... this is our attempt to keep our history alive for the future generations.

This site was established as a means of capturing family history and distributing family information to all family members. We strive to develop a site that the entire family will be proud of. Your input and suggestions are solicited and encouraged.


We ask that each family member to continue to take the time to review the site and provide your input to the web site moderator via the link located under “contacts”. We will take all recommendations into consideration and endeavor to produce a site that will be a treasure for the family for years to come.


The McGee Family Reunion Website Moderator


                                                                                                                                 Click here to view our goals....

2020 Family Reunion Postponed to 2021

Due to COVID-19 the 2020 McGee Family Reunion will be postponed to July 23-25 2021.  The Tentative plan is to hold the reunion at the same hotel Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA from July 24-26, 2020. 

Stay Home and Stay Safe!



Help stop coronavirus

HANDS Wash them often

ELBOW Cough into it

FACE Don't touch it

SPACE Keep safe distance

HOME Stay if you can

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